Today was my last run before my half on Sunday. Four miles at a 12 minute mile pace - faster than I have been lately mostly due to the drop in temperature. Thanks to an outpouring of generosity, I have almost enough for my trip, and am pretty sure I can scrape the rest together. Hubby and I leave Friday morning, and after I wash these stinky running clothes I will start getting my stuff together to pack.
I've decided against wearing my hydration belt during the half and hope that I don't regret it. There are water stations every mile and a half or so, and I just don't feel like messing with my belt the whole time. Thanks to a $15 rewards certificate to my local Fleet Feet, I will be able to purchase a smaller fuel belt to hold my, well, fuel. And possibly a camera. I can't decide whether or not my iPhone will suffice to take pictures of all the things Disney will have going on.
Speaking of fuel, I went to a wonderful seminar on fueling and hydrating during long runs at Fleet Feet, and learned a lot. I was neither eating nor drinking as much as they recommend - did you know that you should have 100-150 calories every hour that you are running on a long run? For me, that means I end up eating about 3 times during my really long runs. Remember that time I tried Gu? And hated it? Well, that was the last time I tried any actual fuel. I took along some gummy bears, which were tasty but didn't lend much lasting energy. After the seminar I bought a couple of things to try - Clif Shot Bloks and Honey Stingers (which is something that Molly recommended but I hadn't tried yet. I should have tried them sooner!) I tested them out on my last long run, the 10 miler. Shot Bloks? Gross. Only a half step up from the Gu. But the Honey Stinger Organic Chews? Wonderful! Like a gummy bear but better for my lasting energy.
And don't even get me started on the Honey Stinger Waffle - perfect for eating before I run (a bit messy during the run, but oh my gosh it was good!) I noticed a difference in the way I was feeling towards the last couple miles of the run, so I am a believer that fuel is important.
As far as hydration, even after the seminar I was having trouble getting the recommended amount while running - 20 oz per hour - but I don't have time to experiment with that before this half. Maybe next time. (I can't believe that I actually think I might do this again - I should probably make it through this one first!)
I am starting to get really excited about the half - I am not nervous at all which really surprises me. I expected to be a mess. I know that I will be anxious the night before and the morning of, but right now I feel good. I know that I am slow, I know that I will probably walk a bit, but I am okay with it. I am completely accepting of where I am at, and I know that I will finish, which is what is important to me right now.
Time to go get ready for breakfast - Hubby set his alarm to get up when I would be returning this morning so that he could make me food - love him!!! Have a good day everyone!